This training course is designed to provide a strong foundation to deploying business management systems and BI software by developing the next generation of KPI professionals. These KPI architects will form the basis of the organisational performance measurement capability, becoming the go-to place for advice around understanding, establishing, activating, reporting and generating value by using KPI across organisations.
By completing the course, you will gain both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety of performance management tools and techniques for KPI management. In addition, on the last day of the course you are eligible to complete an examination for obtaining the Certified KPI Professional status, the premier global certification programme dedicated to rigurous KPI practice.
Leadership & Management Global Organization (LMGO – Switzerland) The Leadership and Management Global Organization (LMGO ®) is a global provider of leadership development and management research and certifications. Ranked among the world’s top providers of executive accreditation and standardization, LMGO helps clients leverage leadership and management to drive results that matter.
High Authority Council for Arab Managers (HACAM) HACAM believes that this certificate will be a valuable resource for professionals within the Arab world in order to understand how these and other processes for organizational improvement are interrelated. HACAM provides training program in the Middle East and targets Managers of quality-focused organizations/industries, professionals aiming to increase their effectiveness/ productivity and anyone interested in the field of quality.
- Have a clear understanding of the KPI management challenges and how to address them
- Facilitate the KPI selection process and establishment of scorecards and dashboards at a functional and organisational level
- Choose the right tools from the KPI management toolkit to maximise the impact of performance management in practice
- Deploy and promote good practice in KPI activation, reporting and visualisation
- Provide advice and co
This course is relevant to representatives of organisations that:
- Aim to understand the complexities of using KPIs from both a technical and human perspective
- Have an interest in developing organisational performance measurement skills easily applied in practice
- Want to improve the quality of their planning by selecting and reporting on the right KPIs at the right time and in the right way.
- Have implemented or have plans to implement performance management systems at strategic, operational and individual level.
- Establishing KPIs
- Introduction To The World Of KPIs
The Pillars Of KPI Architecture KPI Selection
- Activating KPIs
- KPI Documentation
- Data Visualisation: Designing KPI Dashboards And Scorecards
- KPI Data Gathering And Reporting
- Generating value with KPIs
- KPI Management Enablers: Software, Hardware, Communication And Culture
- Generating Value From Using KPIs
- Measuring And Learning With KPIs
Download full details of this course.